Rafter-four Designs
Rugmaker's Homestead
the resource for traditional rug makers since 1984


Please note that there are a lot more articles to come--please be patient as they upload


RAG RUGS TOUR--our most popular feature describing the major types of rugs. Click the link or scroll down to the bottom of this page for a complete list of the articles

WHAT'S NEW--the latest additions, events and changes

A BRIEF HISTORY OF RAG RUGS--how they came about and how so many got lost

LETTERS ABOUT RAG RUG HISTORY--questions and answers

1871 RAG RUGS--a rare period article about several types of rugs made at that time

1885 to 1929 RUG REFERENCES--an assortment typical of period rug making instructions

1907 RUG MAKING INSTRUCTIONS-- crocheted, braided, knitted & loom woven rugs

TWO 1932 BRAIDED RUG INSTRUCTIONS-- Braided chair seats made with children, a "gunny sack" braided rug


HOW TO IDENTIFY ANTIQUE RUG HOOKS--the complete article that appeared in Rug Hooking Magazine in 2011

WAYS TO JOIN FABRIC STRIPS WHEN MAKING RUGS--sewn, friction and knotted joints

NOVELTY AND FAD RUGS, 1920 TO 2010--Nineteen strange and occasionally useful types of rugs, some with basic directions

CROCHETED RAG RUG PATTERNS--how they work and why some don't


THE RUGMAKERS EXCHANGE--stories and photos from all around

PART 1: Knotted shag rug looms (2), anchored loop, sewn shags, braided-in, string crochet, hooked, bohemian braid

PART 2: Naalbinding, extra-large pieced crocheted rug, crocheted shirring, wagon wheel rug


LETTERS, LETTERS, LETTERS--Seven pages of rug related questions and answers

LETTERS 1. Cleaning, rescuing, preserving old rugs & rug wool

LETTERS 2. Old woven rugs, bread bag rugs, folding rug strip

LETTERS 3. Folding, choosing which rug to make, overstitched rugs

LETTERS 4. Rugs to make with children, rugs from roving

LETTERS 5. Cutting T-shirts, braiding with denim, estimating fabrics, cutting machines, rugs from old nylon stockings

LETTERS 6. Rugs from old jeans,T-shirts, pegged frame, joining strips, shaggy cotton rug, alternate fabrics for hooked rugs, rugs from old towels, painted on backing, identifying rug, crocheted yarn rug

LETTERS 7. Help for sore hands, sore muscles, selling rugs, appropriate fabrics, making rag balls, rugs men like, hints for a new rug teacher, history rugs, memory rugs from childrens clothes



AMISH KNOT RUGS--traditional, canvas and frame variations

ANCHORED LOOP RUGS--on canvas or frame, plus locker hooking

BOHEMIAN BRAID RUGS--modern and traditional, how to identify

BRAIDED-IN RUGS--braided rugs made in a single step

BRAIDED RUGS--standard and flat braids

BROOMSTICK RUGS--a pioneer technique

CHAIN BRAIDS--ancient methods with 1 and 2 strands, pjonging

CROCHETED RUGS--types and shapes

FABRIC TAPESTRY RUGS--multi-strand patterns in rugs

FALSE BRAIDS & LADDER BRAIDS--forgotten rug braids

FLAT WRAP RUGS--an ancient method, sturdy, ideal for baskets

FRAME-MADE RUGS--varieties, textures, knotted shag, twining, cheaters warp, etc.

HOOKED RUGS & RELATIVES--punched, poked, prodded, bodkin & shuttle rugs

KITCHEN TABLE RUGS--woven without a loom or frame

KNITTED RAG RUGS--shapes, stitches, varieties

KNOTTED SHAG RUGS--2-string and frame varieties

LOOM WOVEN RUGS--techniques, historical perspective

NEEDLEWORK RAG RUGS--techniques for rag rugs adapted from yarn rugs

PATCHED & PENNY RUGS--varieties of traditional techniques, including sewn shag rugs

SHIRRED RUGS--reversible, luxurious wool rugs with gathered strip

STANDING WOOL RUGS--intricate patterns with wool strip

STRING CROCHETED RUGS--unusual heirloom method

STRUNG SHAG RUGS--rugs using tiny pieces of scrap fabric

SWEDISH BRAID RUGS--a lost method with unique swirling texture

TAMBOUR RUGS--versatile technique used alone or in combination

TOOTHBRUSH RUGS--traditional naalbinding, etc.

TUFTED RUGS--raised texture on cotton base

TWISTED CORD RUGS--a forgotten technique for worn fabrics

WAGON WHEEL & FRAME BRAID RUGS--two methods of unusual shapes, patterns




